Monday, September 15, 2008

Calling all blog readers . . . .

The future of Rwandan beauty!
From left: Malyse, Susan, Alix, Sylvie, Barb and Jeanne

Gloria (behind the camera) answers the call!

Jeanne and Sylvie.
Holders of the dream.

And Sylvie knows dreams!
Touring the wedding hall at her amusement park

Amazing how needs get answered on a mission.

Our need? Great photographs of Jeanne and Sylvie for our fundraising efforts. The answer? Gloria Upchurch, a photographer from San Francisco who documents women’s development projects found Bpeace on the Internet and emailed the team in NY offering her help. She just happened to be Kigali photographing an on-going genocide recovery program with HIV mothers and children. Marla and Kate knew how she could help us!

So we agreed to meet Gloria at Sylvie’s amusement park. Sylvie and Jeanne arrived looking stunning. Jeanne was statuesque in regal African attire and Sylvie was elegant as always in a classic business suit. We finished up our work on “next steps” just in time for Gloria and her photographer friend Charlotte’s arrival. They had not really heard much about our project so together we explained it, in two languages! They want to continue working with us as our project progresses.

After the photo shoot, Sylvie gave us a tour of the large hall where she hosts weddings and has just renovated. The place was amazing, especially the ceiling. Large colorful drapes coming together in the center make it feel like a palace. After many ohhs and ahhs, we took few practice runs down the aisle before we headed to the salons for more photos.

Now this is competition!

We met with a potential school teacher today. Samuel was well qualified and extremely gentle and kind. His experience showed he was well qualified and would be committed. Unfortunately, we also learned that is in debt to his employer. This is common in the Rwandan salon industry. Owners have started the practice of stealing the best stylists by offering cash advances that they work years to repay. The practice is so pervasive that all stylist come with a loan, and new employers are expected to cover them. While we liked Samuel, we aren’t prepared to pay to hire him!

Hey USA, can you feel the hug?

Then it was suddenly time for good-byes. Our work with Jeanne and Sylvie this mission is complete. Good-byes are hard, and this time they took a while because we had to get hugs for all the Bpeace team back home. So Marla, Kate and everyone else we hope you felt all those big warm hugs coming your way. After the embraces we wiped away tears, exchanged happy kisses and we were off. Kate and Steve will be here in November so Bpeace volunteers will not be gone from Africa for long.

Feeling good and spreading the good news

The evening ended at a new high-end, restaurant called Heaven. It was lovely with sweeping views of Kigali. While it was good, Alix and Barb decided we prefer restaurants where we are more likely to enjoy our dinner around Africans and not western tourists. We love the tourists and their money but still want our authentic Rwanda too!

Over dinner we reflected on the past week. We feel really good about this mission. Richard and Susan as always were critical members of our local Rwanda team. Jeanne's daughter Malyse became a new and valued member. Thanks to them so much was accomplished!

  • The school operating model and curriculum has been defined.
  • Implementation and operating plans are finalized and we are moving against the action items.
  • We have the input we need to begin branding and logo work back home.
  • The agreement draft between Jeanne, Sylvie and Bpeace is complete.
  • We have a new supporter in the Rwandan government and the beginnings for help on funding.

We can’t wait to get back to the US and begin fundraising in earnest for a school which promises so much for the future of the country. First Quarter 2009 is the goal.

So our need now? Funding. If you are reading this blog, you can help. Tell your companies, family and friends this story of a school, a dream and the Rwandan women who hold it.

It is simple: Spread the good news. Rwanda is becoming more beautiful.

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